pop meets classical music ...

              Ludmila Santini                                                   Natali Santini 
piano                                                               soprano

"Your arrangement and interpretation of Britney Spear's                             "Natali, you have a beautiful voice!"
Toxic is pure genius."                                                                                       
Helen Werling - film music composer
John Campos, Grammy Nominating and Voting Producer                            Hollywood Studio Symphony/Paramount 
Ridgewood, New York (USA)                                                                            Suwanee, Georgia (USA)

Crystal voice with brilliant piano 

The professional artistic excellence is the highest criterion for the quality of our public
or privat performances. We always strive to create an exceptional atmosphere. 

 All content © 2024 Santini Music Agency. All Rights Reserved.  Copying or storing any content is expressly prohibited without prior written permission. 
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Photos by: Alana Harris, Sam Loyd and hazmatcz on Unsplash/freepic.diller and Racool_studio
on Freepik/Amin Asbaghipour and Maor Attias on Pexels/Martin Knopp and Natali Santini
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